The voice is the only instrument that is a physical part the human body (unless you count clapping your hands as percussion 🙂 So, it makes sense that the instrument is your entire body, not just the larynx alone. Everything from body alignment, respiratory system, the larynx, vocal tract – and, of course, the brain – are involved in this high level athletic coordination!
Singers are vocal athletes, and must approach their training with the same mentality.
Your voice is a muscle, so if you’re going to use it for a length of time, you have to develop stamina. Think of a long distance runner – if you wanted to run 1500 meters, you’re not going to start with it, right? You would start with shorter distances, with intermittent running/walking, gradually increasing your distance and speed. It would be a step-by-step improvement – and the same applies to your singing voice.
There are two main reasons why your voice is fatiguing:
1. Not doing scales – if you are not doing scales, I strongly recommend that you start with short bursts (10 or 15 minutes) at least 5 to 6 days a week, gradually increasing both length and intensity of practice. The more you level up – the more vocal stamina you develop. Practice regularly!
Now, if you are generally happy, but are lacking stamina in specific parts of your voice – do scales for those particular parts. If your voice is lacking stamina up higher – warm up well, and do a bunch of higher scales; then try higher songs. The same with falsetto, or riff and runs, or low chest voice… It works for all registers, in all genres of singing!
2. Lack of singing technique – meaning, you are forcing your voice to do the things it is not build to do, or using wrong groups of muscles. Bad technique can be a result of two things:
· Singing in key that is not suitable for your voice – the song might be too high, or too low for your voice. Tim Foust (bass) would never try to sing Ed Sheeran’s songs (tenor) in the same keys – and so shouldn’t you! Be mindful of key you are choosing for your songs.
· Harmful habits and practices – so many! You may lack diaphragmatic support, or putting a lot of pressure underneath your vocal folds. Your voice should do the work, but you might be pushing down with your throat and your neck to get the sound out, or trying to squeeze it up by using your shoulders and outer laryngeal muscles. Your posture may not be optimal, or your articulation may needs\ improvement. There are a lot of bad singing habits we develop unconsciously, and you should be aware of how your body works, and what it does to your singing voice.
A good technique is very important, and it starts with proper breathing. Breathing starts with your diaphragm, which does all your heavy work as a singer. Your diaphragm is a pump that suck the air into your lungs, and is also your power pedal – in coordination with other core muscles. Your neck should remain very relaxed, and your mouth should be opening – often more than you feel you need to! – so that your voice just flows out.
If you think you may have some technique issues, I highly recommend that you get a good vocal coach. We have our online singing lessons, and great teachers here in Melbourne, Australia, who work with all skill levels in all genres, and are successfully solving other singers’ problems and helping them reach their full potential.
I hope that this has helped you out, and if you want to learn more about your voice – please contact us via any of the social media channels listed below. If we pick one of your questions for a video response, YOU WILL WIN A FREE LESSON with one of our fantastic teachers!
Empower your Voice!
Team VSA
▪Vox Singing Academy – official website:
▪Vox Singing Academy – Facebook:
▪The 5 Minute Singer – FREE Singing Video Tutorials:
▪Vox Singing Academy – Youtube:
▪Vox Singing Academy – Instagram:
This service is perfect for:
*Vocal training
*Recording studio vocal coaching
*Bands rehearsals
*Choir work
*Directing theatre productions
*Voice production
*Pre-production vocal care
*Home visit singing lessons
*Cast or production crew lessons
*School, Tafe or University lectures or workshops
*High schools/Primary schools
*Travelling with a touring singer.
For bookings & pricing please ring 042 2278 289 or email
His students are known to travel from interstate and overseas to utilise his wealth of knowledge and experience and now you can too!
• Full Access to Peter Vox’s entire arsenal of 5000+ vocal scales, expertise experience and knowledge on all subject matter.
• Premium Ear & Pitch Training. Peter will guarantee you to be in key and on pitch at least 99% of the time.
• Guaranteed email and phone contact with Peter Vox for any questions, help and advice with same day response by phone and 24Âhour response via email.
Beginner, intermediate, advanced and pro starting levels designed for males & females, children to seniors, beginners to pros.
Our Guarantee to you is that you will hear and feel a vast improvement in your singing voice in just 3 weeks if you follow the courses instructions.
Incredible Value! Get Access To All 4 Courses!
Total duration of all 4 courses – 16 hours 24 minutes
Total vocal scales work out duration for all 4 courses – 11 hours 4 minutes
Courses start at $29.95
The Ultimate Online Singing Course is the most comprehensive & affordable online singing course available!
You won’t need to search any further as every thing you need to know about singing is contained in these courses!
Our Guarantee to you is that you will hear and feel a vast improvement in your voice in just 3 weeks if you follow the courses instructions.
So come and unlock your full singing potential now along with thousands of others that have improve their singing abilities with Vox Singing Academy's Ultimate Online Singing Course.
Learn More About The Ultimate Online Singing Course.
Topics that can be covered in workshops
Correct vocal warmups & cool downs
Correct diaphragmatic breathing techniques
*Pitch and ear training
*Personally recorded and customised scales workout
*Microphone technique, stage presentation and crowd interaction.
*Songwriting and/or preproduction of songs
*Vocal care and health
*Anatomy and how the voice works
*Vocal coaching for extended periods of touring, performing and recording.
*Vocal health & general fitness
*Question and answer session
Classes are 4 or 8 hour sessions between 11 am to 7 pm weekdays and 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday or Sundays. For prices please click here!
For prices and bookings please click here!
So what are you waiting for? Let VSA give you the voice you've always wanted!
The event is held on Sundays generally starting at 1 pm at a venue specified by your teacher. Food and drinks are available. Family, friends and the public are welcome.
Prizes, giveaways, Vox Singing Academy gift vouchers and merchandise will be given away at the end of all concerts.
Key advantages with online singing lessons.
Save time & money.
Flexible times worldwide 7 days a week.
* Record your entire singing lesson on video for future reference.
* Have lessons where and when you want!
* In class you have to stand directly in front of camera. This is a HUGE key advantage over in studio lessons as the teacher can see you closely & monitor you’re breathing & mouth placements for correct articulation, pronunciation & diction.
* All student can clearly hear & see the teachers demonstrations as teacher is mostly directly in front of their camera.
For prices please click here!
Key advantages with online singing lessons. Consistent practice is the key to improvement!
Save time & money.
Flexible times worldwide 7 days a week.
* Record your entire singing lesson on video for future reference.
* Have lessons where and when you want!
* You have to stand directly in front of camera. This is a HUGE key advantage over in studio lessons as the teacher can closely
monitor you’re breathing & mouth placements for correct articulation, pronunciation & diction.
* All student can clearly hear & see the teachers demonstrations as teacher sits directly in front of their camera.
* Perfect if you are travelling, live in a remote area or have transport or mobility issues.
So what are you waiting for? Let VSA give you the voice you've always wanted!